We understand that payroll administration and the relating MPF contribution processing are tedious and time-consuming tasks for most SMEs. More importantly, these processes usually involve numerous sensitive information that you may want to treat the same in confidence.
As an employer, you may desire to entrust such functions to a reliable service provider and concentrate on your core business. Our all-in-one payroll service solutions offer administration efficiency and help our clients achieve strategic goals.
Our all-in-one payroll service solution covers:
Payroll Administration
- Payroll calculations
- Fund transfers to employees’ individual bank accounts
- Pay slips delivery to employees
- Payroll reports for management
- Employee records maintenance
MPF Processing
- Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) contribution calculation
- Fund transfers to the MPF trustees accounts
- MPF remittance statements to MPF trustees
Tax Filing
- Statutory tax returns for submission to the Inland Revenue Department

Mabel Leung
Legal and Compliance Services
- (852) 3528 0292
- mabelleung@hkmanagers.com

Kaserine Chan
Business Support Services
- (852) 3528 0276
- kaserinechan@hkmanagers.com